I have been remiss. I do love tartx's blogging without obligation:

it makes sense not to apologize for not writing in a journal. at least, it makes sense to me. Also, as some of you know, I have a personal journal to which I post much more frequently.
The time has come to write another play. After last year's choice to use someone else's work, I am back to writing for my class, as I feel it is the best way to offer them a performance experience that enriches and extends their work with the subject matter, both the explicit lessons on myth, history, mathematics, geography, or nature studies, and the implicit lessons on how to be a human being, how to express their full being and attain to the full stature offered us.
First, however, I want to get a particularly tenacious monkey off my back: my MSEd Thesis. This particular primate has been digging his pointy little fingers into my neck for the last 5 1/2 years, and it's time to shake him loose. To that end, I am dedicating this Martin Luther King Jr day to working on my thesis. I sincerely believe that education towards freedom is the key to creating and realizing a world in which people are judged by the content of their character.